When You Feel it but Dont See It…

I have been an interesting place lately. I am craving excitement and play and fun. I am craving newness and opportunities to sprout up like wildflowers after a rainy spring.

But, when I look around, I don’t see that. There is definitely play and some opportunities, but it still feels quiet. Like my own world is under a blanket of snow (that the Texas weather doesn’t seem to really represent most days).

In the last few years, I have had this same desire but it also felt so far away, like a dream that was slowly melting from my memory. 

But now, something is different. I can feel the seeds of this idea cracking open a bit. I feel the soil of my being stirring. But my energy remains inward and there is so much space between happenings, it’s easy to think I am crazy.

But today is the Chinese new year bringing us in to the year of the tiger, so some fire and motivation is promised there. But it also Imbolc, the Celtic celebration that honors the midway point between winter solstice and spring equinox. This day was said to be when the goddess of the earth began slowly stirring under the soil, giving life to the start of spring.

So it only seems fitting that I too (and maybe you) would be feeling a quiet stir to blossom but also no real signs of life just yet.

The lesson I take from these times, is to never let what is define what can be. Never look to the world around you for proof of what is possible. It’s like being in a blizzard and writing off the possibility of flowers entirely.  

It is inevitable that the desires you planted will grow. Not all seeds grow, nor does every idea but the ones that truly match you, the ones that are truly aligned with who you are will grow abundantly and many that you never even knew you planted will as well. (Sometimes these are better anyway)

So I write this to encourage you to hang in there but also be with the small stirrings. See what they inspire in you. Because the small stirrings are important too. And if you look for them you will find them.  

They might look like:

  • Daydreaming of life to come.

  • Journaling of your hopes and potential plans

  • Making a vision board

  • Writing down your dreams from the night before and looking for hints and insights

  • Committing to any of the prep you might need for these dreams (think learn a language for the trip, or buy the backpacking gear, or get the certification you need)

  • Get a reading or do a deep healing journey to really dive into what wants to come through for you


If you need help with that last one, check out the website or email me!

I am wishing you a time of deep restorative rest that is warmed with the spark of the internal fire that grows in to the flames of a full renewed life.  

Imbolc blessings and Happy Year of the Tiger,







How to create a life from things you don’t want-Hands in the Clay


Sacred Space