Work with Avery

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Why I want to work with you!

I know this is the part where I tell you why you should work with me but the truth is, my work is a co-creation between us.

I want to work with you! You are magic and you bring a specific energy to the sessions and groups that only you can.  You are the one I learn from.

In every piece of wisdom I channel for you, I too learn something for me.

In every moment I coach you to take a bold leap in to the life you hope you can have, I am strengthened in my own resolve.  

Every time I get to feel the love of a spiritual being pouring through to you, I experience it through me and I am made more whole.

I want to work with you because I have been you at times and am you now. I too have been a seeker for years and been to every type of healer, or read every book under the sun, from diet to dreams, from feng shui to finance… I too have tried to fix every area of my life… one at a time.

 I want to work with you because every time I remind you that you can do amazing things, make the hard choices and somehow simultaneously create ease, I am more resolved in my convictions. Every time I get to share that you don’t have to spend your whole life healing and you get to start living abundantly now, I take a breath of relief.

I have rarely left a session and not felt truly impacted and honored to be there. It’s your questions that drive new understandings within me, it’s your struggles and desires that push me to learn more.

I want to work with you because I love to have deeply personal and transformative experiences with others like you.

I love to encourage you into growth and to celebrate your wins. I am excited to find your limiting beliefs and unravel them in a moment because they free me from mine.

I work with you because you are the catalyst that creates change in the world and I live to see you ablaze with empowerment and creative inspiration.

I love to see you free from the burden of working so hard to be spiritual/good/perfect enough. I am joyous about watching you claim your divine essence within you.

Ready to work with together? Head over to my offerings to see how

Not sure if you are as amazing as I described? Well you are, and I want to work with you, book a tea talk at no cost to you and I will remind you who you are and what magic we can create together!

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