Sacred Space

I often will have random but profound conversations with friends, clients and strangers. These chats seem to stumble into inspiration that neither of us had thought of in that way prior to that moment.

I love these! But after the moment passes these ideas float away from me. Perhaps they are subconsciously stored and come up later but in an age with so much information and “Instaspriration” its hard to really sink into profound things.

I know for me, my idea consumption is at an all time high and my thoughtful contemplation lower than it ever has been.

It’s like I’m looking merely for the first flavor of a bite of food and then spitting it out, ignoring the digestion of it and blocking any nutritional value. (Sorry for the imagery of masticated food on a plate)

Think about it how much do you consume in your mind? Our modern mental diet is competing with our modern caloric diet, if not surpassed it for most because we read at least five articles on calorie restriction as helpful for your health (for example).

It’s in interesting though that only consuming food in a certain window of time is considered healthy for optimal digestion and having times where we don’t consume anything essential for that process and the overall balance of the body.

Note: this is not an article on diet, this is just a parallel. You do what feels good in diet and food. I am mostly speaking to this trend.

What if it’s the same for information. What if you can only deeply break down so many concepts or ideas in one day and actually feel deeply impacted by them.

I imagine our 7-8 hour of school model sense we 5 hasn’t helped us in practicing that.

Think about it. Chew on it.

How much time have you spent scrolling or searching so you feel inspired only to pass multiple inspirational things that seem to only impact you for a second or not at all?

Or how many shows have you watched that you didn’t care for just because it’s what you do, and then felt tired or numb after?

How many books have been read for either enjoyment or improvement that you can’t even recall now?

If you feel the number is high, you’re not alone. I find myself consuming spiritual book after spiritual book and scrying the internet for something new to learn, often. And in some way, I love feeling the frequency of these things but maybe I’m doing this to mask the excessive amount of content that I feel drains me.

What would happen if I (or you) cut out the junk food and started to savor the good stuff?

What if contemplation of ideas and intentional awareness around the things I’m consuming became my mental diet?

I would first have to cut a lot of things. Constant music on, podcasts, Netflix for no reason, scrolling when uninspired… the list goes on.

But in truth writing this gives me some conviction because I miss feeling moved and deeply impacted by inspiration. I long for a concept that rocks me to my core and stirs me for a while like I do a delicious and high quality meal.

So invite you to join me. What can you let go of to make space for contemplation or for just the quiet digestion of your day?

For me, I’m working towards (with much grace for my shortcomings)

  • cutting out mindless scrolling by limiting the time on social media platforms and then actually reading posts that are interesting and maybe unfollowing things I’m just not excited to see.  

  • Only choosing movies and shows I’m genuinely interested in and intentionally seeking and spacing them with days in between, so I can adapt to evening spaciousness.

  • Leaving chunks in the day for reflection (outside of focused meditation) so my mind can wander, savor and contemplate.

  •  And practicing more quiet. So not playing music in every quiet space. Leaving some times without it. Or at least music that invokes quiet.


What about you? If you want to try this what will you do? Comment or Reply. You just might inspire someone else!


And if you are ready for some inspiration that you can contemplate book a session and let the magic flow to you. Go to the website for this.


All my best,

Avery Virginia


Side note: I originally wrote this before the holidays and decided it was poorly timed as there is so much to do. But in true manifestation fashion. I ended up getting sick and going on an actual food cleanse to help things along and my mind couldn’t even absorb much at all so it was very quiet. Be careful what you wish for eh? Or don’t…I feel nourished and restored in both physical and mental capacities and hope to maintain some of it.


When You Feel it but Dont See It…

