How to create a life from things you don’t want-Hands in the Clay

I was sitting out on my balcony the other morning, my pen to the pages of my journal, like most mornings. In the ramblings a metaphor formed, one I wanted to share with you.

Our current life situation is like a lump of clay.

Although, we often think of life as already formed, say a mug already fixed, life is constantly moldable. Seems simple enough. 

But then it occurred to me, I don’t always have the resources I want to have. Maybe that is money or the perfect house or certain relationship or ability to travel. Whatever it may be, it’s easy for me to spot what my clay can not do.  

In my very basic understanding of ceramics, I am aware that certain things can be made from certain types of clay and others cannot. And based on how much you have you can only make certain items (obviously).

Hopefully you’re still with me...

 Often, we look at the contents of our life and think I can’t create what I want with this. For many, a large abundant bowl that they have seen represented in the world around them. Something they can mold into freedom, prosperity, true love, success, whatever.

But it’s easy for us to get our hands in the clay and to try and make what we have into those things and for it to FALL APART!!!

What if what you currently have cannot be made into these certain things? What if you have a small amount of delicate clay and you want to make something massive? You could spread it thin but it will crumble (hello burnout) What do you do?

What if everything you know how to do is with different resources? 

How do you manifest from where you currently are?

Well first you will notice all of what it cannot seem to be.

So if your current job cannot be one with world travel, you notice that. Or your current relationship doesn’t feel like it’s a movie level soul mate experience, you notice that.

This is easy for us. We are mostly wired to look for the ways things can’t work, thinking we are problem solving but really, we just problem focusing and protecting ourselves from surprise disappointment.

Once you do this then, you must surrender the current idea you have in your mind, all the things you believe it cannot be. “I surrender this business currently being a big clay money jar.” You might say.

And then before you scrap everything and demand the universe bring you new clay (which is always happening, circumstances are always changing but not always in one big lump).

You stop and think about what can it do? What strengths does it have? What does my current life have in it that is unique and interesting? 

And when you start to feel into that, you then pause (rather than plan and google what you can make with a small amount of red clay for ex). You let yourself open to inspiration.

What if something entirely new wants to be created? What if your relationship, or finances have a completely new destiny based on the strengths’ it does have and not on the ones it doesn’t.  

What if you start to mold and work it in to something, letting yourself be moved by what feels interesting and good moment by moment. And then you see what it becomes.

Perhaps you wanted to make a sturdy rustic plate but you come out with the most enchanting tea cup, delicate and ornate.

What if when you do this, you discover what you truly wanted was exactly what you created from your current life situation.  

What if you don’t really know the specifics of what you want until your sipping earl grey from it?

So that job that you felt stuck in could be the place where you learn a specific set of skills, or meet you best friend. The marriage you’re committed to but feeling disconnected in could be the perfect relationship to allow you to learn to love yourself and to show up in compassion and companionship in ways you never knew possible.

I am a believer that anything and everything is possible but sometimes the life we have in front of us seems too far from what we want to even fathom a road there. Instead of waiting for things to change, be inspired by what you can create from where you are.

Because more often we manifest the situations that are exactly what our soul needs and desires for us to become the inspired creator we truly are.

 When we allow for divine inspiration to work with what is, we may have a life so much more catered to what we truly desire, we will be happy we didn’t have the clay we initially wanted.

Does this mean you say your big dreams aren’t possible, no it just means the road to them exists in forming the now into something unique and creative. Hold the feeling of what you want but surrender the current creative process. You will get somewhere fascinating.  

No matter where you are, what you have, if you allow yourself to know what is possible…what can happen, and then be open for any inspiration, you can create something beautiful with any material. Even if some of it you let go of, and some of it you make more of.

Right now, this day, you can be inspired by what is possible (its more than you think…like a lot more). What could you mold your life into based on the clay of your current reality?

Need help? Readings and mentorships are based on this! Through spiritual insight and intentional focus on what can be, we help you to mold your life into a unique work of art far beyond the dreams you may have limited yourself to.


Book on the website or reach out and ask more questions.        


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