Spirit Guides and Symbols

Magical Story Time!

After attending a training in England at The Arthur Findlay College for Spiritualism, I really wanted to keep up all the fun practices that I had learned.

But I wanted them to be for me, so I decided to tune in to my spiritual guides each day and ask for a symbol of their presence with me through out the day. It had to be something I would see in the day. If your new to guides, there are many different ideas about them, but mostly I feel there is specific energies supporting me and my journey and I just tune in to that idea and see what information comes to me.

I have a tendency to pinch off from overly specific future insight because there is always a fear that I could get it wrong and then spiral in to doubt about… well, you know everything I ever thought I intuited. I decided to risk the spiral and try it anyway.

I was not asking for any answers to questions just signs that show up in my day validating my connection and vision.

One of the first days I got the image of a brown paper bag. I immediately felt that this was odd and common although I don’t use them at home and didnt plan on going anywhere so… good luck guides. Later that day, I had a friend over and we were sitting inside but I got the urge to go sit on the porch out of nowhere, and as we sat down, a little boy in the neighborhood walked by and was holding a crumpled brown paper bag. There is a distinct feeling when they signs show themselves because I usually forget about them as the day goes on, but when they appear, its like they light up in my mind and I remember the mental image from my morning meditation.

A few days of this and lots of fun symbols show up. They are different everyday.

One particularly extraordinary day, I sat in my meditation and I saw a golden compass, no I thought its brass. I was particularly curious about how this one would appear as its not exactly a very common item. After this, I decided to avert my plans of staying home that day and a friend and I went to San Antonio, a city about an hour away from where I live. I needed to go shopping so I thought maybe I will go to the mall. I never go to malls especially not this one. I probably hadnt been to this mall since I was a teenager growing up in San Antonio.

After eating lunch, I am starting to second guess the mall, it sounds tiring and exhausting. I almost get on the highway and go home… But for some odd reason I go anyway.

I walk in and see a store with gifts and oddities, what I am looking for. I wander around the store and after a full loop I find this table, with various items that I find interesting. And when I take a closer look there it is, a compass, a brass compass that opens to read “Life is a journey, not a destination.”

A fitting statement for the mini journey I took that day.

I tell you this, to remind you that this is an interactive universe we are connecting too. And when you are meant to experience something on your journey, you will be inspired, nudged and guided to that thing.

Its easy to feel isolated in our modern world but in the spiritual sense we are as close to the divine as we have ever been. When we think of manifesting or healing, its easy to feel that its all on us but this could not be farther from the truth. An infinite and loving intelligence exists in the realms beyond our logical and rational mind. They can take many forms and influence us through various means but one thing is for sure, they will show up for the big and the small moments.

You just have to meet them where they are, in your open awareness and open heart.

If you would like support in doing so, Ignite my virtual event is this weekend. So get your ticket and join as we connect in community to a source bigger than our current understanding. The goal is for everyone to expand their spiritual connection and their own manifesting possibilities in any area they desire.

Cant wait to see you there.


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I was holding back