Creating a Healthy Relationship with Money

Money is a great teacher. She is a great friend and supporter of our life. And often many of us shy away from the beautiful, spiritual work that is money dynamics.

I know in my life, I wax and wane between focusing on manifesting money and feeling that it is not the most spiritual endeavor for my life. Most of us desire some form of abundance and few of us are living in the version we desire.

And I know many of the people reading this abhor greed but also adore the ease of a life not spent in lack. Some of us might feel that money is dry and boring, nothing like love. So we spend all our time focused on romance. Or we just leave it to someone else.

I have spent many years of my life dedicated to this area, and while I am not a multi-millionaire master, I have been steeped in the patterns I see in myself and others. So today I will share a little wisdom with you.

Do not create a relationship to money, create one with it.

When we start to treat money as an energy, or even more like an entity in and of itself, several patterns will change.

First you will stop disrespecting it. There is so much negativity around money and shame for the desire to have a certain amount. We do live in a world rampant with greed. But greed is not a healthy relationship with large amounts of money, it is an unhealthy relationship with lack and the need to run from the feelings of inadequacy. Money may be the object but it is emptiness that creates greed that brings harm to the world.

When you have a relationship with money it becomes personal. It becomes your personal stream of abundance and it is not tied to everyone else’s. Lets put this in to context, having an amazing relationship with your husband in which you feel safe, loved, supported and adored does not take away someone else’s ability to do so. Would you throw your partner back in to the sea of fish so someone else can have a good relationship? Probably not. And the number of human adults is probably more fixed than the amount of money in the world.

Money is energy and limitless. There is not a finite amount, because we aren’t talking about a particular resources or dollar amount. And despite what people who want to play victim wish to believe having more is not taking more, unless you design it that way. We all think of the corporations who pay the ceo everything and nothing to the workers. But the truth is, that is just the belief system of the corporation and the mentality of everyone working there. And there is no shame in that for them, some of them could feel very abundant there. But many times it’s the belief in desperation that keeps people there. If they knew they could command more, especially as a mass of people, a lot would change.

But most of you aren’t CEOs keeping wages low and profits high. You are reading this, most likely because you want to create money that feels good. And you can. The amount of money in the world is vastly higher than it was 100 years ago. It’s just a concept and isn’t tied to finite resources as it once was. And even when it was, that was a belief system.

Money is also is not just about the dollar amount, it is about your experience of it. Abundance is how we live and relate to money. It’s the freedom we feel with it, the ways we use it, the feelings we get from engaging with it and the things we believe are possible because of it.

As you start to get to know money, like most relationships, you will start to really see yourself reflected back. You will see your family, your upbringing, your experiences all playing out.

I was working with a friend on this recently and there was one word I felt coming in for her new relationship with money. I saw her with money that NOURISHES her.

After that I saw this reflected back in social media posts talking about the same thing.

When I think of Nourishing, I don’t think of all the surplus and unnecessary luxuries, I also don’t think of the most limited and sparse spartan budget either. I think of something that soothes me. I think of safety, security and also comfort, ease and enjoyment.

If you have been out of alignment in your relationship to money, start to ask yourself how to make it nourishing. This needs to be the foundation of a healthy relationship. Then go for exciting and wild, but be nourished, be well fed, be soothed and healthy with your relationship to money.

There is so much more that I could share about this, I could probably write a book or do a class. Who would love a class on this? Im working on creating self pace courses so you can have access to information in digestible and engaging formats outside of one to one work.

I am also creating more over on Instagram and Youtube, so check it out. I posted a video about creating your dream relationship within the relationship you are already in. And I am working on uploading one on money and safety, to further dive in to these topics.

I hosted Ignite this weekend and I feel so amazing after. I’m in love with this offering and hope more of you join for the next one. I will pick a date soon and let you all know. I am hoping for twice a month because once is not enough for what transpired.

I know this is a long one, but I am feeling so much more motivated to write these days, and to share the wisdoms I ponder about in my own head with you.

So thank you for journeying along with me. There is more to come on this topic.

If this resonated, please share with someone and spread the word.


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