Death, Endings and the Threshold of the Divine

In my most recent post, I shared about money, a (hopefully) meaningful but lighthearted topic. And now I bring you death.

Death and taxes I guess.

But I know it may seem my tone shifts in my entries and, in truth, that is who I am. My tone shifts, my style of speaking changes. I can go from casual, to educational to down right comedic in a few moments. I am a medium and channel my energy is very open with words. So I hope that as a reader, you are open to this. Because they are all me in a different light.

This last week my eldest sister's closest friend passed away of a long battle with cancer. A battle that spanned 18 years. Experiencing cancer since she was in college. She was a soul sister to my biological sister so even though my bond with her was minimal, we were deeply impacted as a family. She was only 38.

I do not share this to receive condolences but to tell you about the amazing gift that death brings the living. The gift that all endings bring.

I had spent my week, thinking about work. Learning about social media, creating youtube videos etc. These things are good and beautiful but they do not often leave me feeling profound awe. But then I got the text. “She has passed”…

And while I was aware it would be that day or the next, the energetic feeling of death of someone you know is not one that can be experienced in advance. It silences the mundane worries, the trivial problems. Like a strong wind blowing out the candles of concern in my mind, there is a deep silence that comes over me, a “hush” from death herself.

I know that there can be things to worry about in death but when you step in to true experience of someone being in a body and then not from the most human lens, you are brought to awe for a few moments.

We stand on the threshold of the divine. In every moment we stand with our toes off the cliff that plunges in to the other world, the world of spirit and yet we fret about what a text meant, or our bank accounts. Sure these things matter to us, but when you think of being faced with the complete dissolution of your life and becoming pure energy, problems seem humbled.

For many this is not comforting, but as a spiritual medium I can feel the presence of spirits so I know that something is out there. But I will say the unknown of it, the bigness intimidates my own ego, who wonders how vast it could be. And yet I am in awe of the power of death to change us while we are alive.

In loss, whether this be death, endings of relationships, which is a death in many ways, or even life changes, the luxury of fretting the small stuff goes out the window. We often stand with the most profound sense of rawness, sometimes love and sometimes heartbreak often a mix of both. But we stand in our moment maybe more fully than we do most days. Because we aren’t in the known anymore. We are in the river of change.

While I was sad for this death and others I have experienced personally, I am grateful for the reminder to drop the petty, the small, the overly mundane and remember the divine aspect of my own being, of my life. I still must do the small things but could I do it knowing that this is a spiritual life filled with mystery and possibility? Could I have a numinous life? Or will I go back to scrolling, and calculating what all needs doing?

So I invite you in to this. If you knew that in any moment life might dissolve its’ form and you would reunite with spiritual energy, what would you really being doing with your time? With your day? What would you do in the preciousness of your life? And what would you not do?

But, also, if you remembered that you stand in the presence of the divine, of loving support at all times, how would you move through the day? How would you operate?

Can you stand in the rawness of how you really feel, and of what you really want to create in this “one wild and precious life”? Can you do the most radical act and not check out but check in, be really alive while your here?

I know I will need more reminders but I will try. Because that is why we are here. To dance in the light and dark of our contrasting existence and to make a canvas of our life. Manifestation is not about improving your life to some standard because nobody out there is taking score, it’s about the art of creating a life because you can. It’s not about the having of it but the molding of it, the molding of life.

May you all be well, and feeling the tug to glance over the edge of the known and in to the divine.

As always, if you need guidance check my website for a readings and mentorships. I will alert you soon when I have picked the date for the next virtual ceremony, where we can all feel the divine energy together.


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Creating a Healthy Relationship with Money