Harmonize Your Emotions

The end of last week brought up some old stuck emotions, around judgement, shame and disempowerment. I have been doing some amazing work around expanding my capacity for love and spiritual wholeness but as I do this some old gatekeepers come up to make their case.

This is normal in the process of spiritual awakening. And when we are aware of it we can respond accordingly.

There are emotions that we delight in and emotions that we crumble in. There are emotions that we have greater wellness in and ones that create more disease. There are emotions that feel like they propel us forward and ones that seem to keep us stuck.


Because certain emotions come up when our thoughts or actions are closer to love and our spiritual truth. Joy, peace, love, elation, bliss these all seem to be what we desire and usually occur in non resistance. This does not mean any of your emotions are bad. They are all valid and contain some element of spiritual love in them or they can not exist. Because the basis of all things is spirit.

When we feel something that makes us feel stagnant or far away, its not the opposite of love, its the resistance to it in varying degrees. There is no opposite of love, only the amount of force it must take to close off to it. We experience duality because or minds only perceive the content in it’s focus at one time but if we zoom out, in a spiritual sense, we would perceive the love and beauty of the universe. It’s like only seeing night or day depending on where the light hits but neither are absolutes, the universe is constantly in both day and night at all times.

Ask your self, have you ever felt completely safe and held in the arms of the divine and been really sad at the same time?

Have you ever felt completely worthy and loved and been angry at the same time?

Mostly not.

We experience these feelings in gradients because our spiritual journey is one of rolling the stones away of our limits and letting light in to the caverns of our hearts. And the opening to the divine is so massive we will spend lifetimes opening up the threshold to it. There is always more.

So when you feel in to the difficult and painful things, don’t resist them, harmonize with them!

In music, harmony is finding a note at a higher or lower key in a certain sequence that appeals to the ear. They flow together seamlessly… harmoniously.

In a spiritual sense harmony would be finding the emotion on a similar scale that elevates and allows in more love from the divine but that also doesn’t create discord within you.

For example, if you are feeling anxious you might try to affirm your divine safety but that could create discord because you don’t believe it, so something harmonious might be more like acceptance of what worries you, then from there you may be able to come in to safety.

We must slide up our scales to feel our fullness again.

This is especially helpful for being an empath. If you feel in to others emotions easily and often do not enjoy carrying the heaviness around with you, then choose to find the harmonious counterpart, the antidote to that energy and hold that within you. You need not make someone else feel it but you are offering it energetically and giving yourself the gift of being in that energy.

As an empath we only receive what our body is primed to pick up on. So often as protection we look for the difficult emotions in an environment so we can adjust accordingly. Although sometimes we feel someones joy and love too. But who wants to shift those?

When you feel something unwanted, do not resist it, instead hold it and ask how can I let more love in, how can I harmonize with this feeling?

When you begin to do this, everything is an opportunity to be in beautiful harmony with the universe. Everything allows you to open to a greater depth of light and flow in your life. Its not about masking what is but about opening to more of what is available to you.

What is an emotion you want to harmonize? What might its counter part be?


Retrogrades and Flowers- Aprils Beauty


Death, Endings and the Threshold of the Divine