Healing as a Community

In my last message, I shared how I started to really shift when I allowed for another healer’s powerful energy to assist me in expanding past myself. If you missed it, check out my blog titled: Getting Light.

Since then, I have noticed so many shifts within me. You see, old emotions stuck within can create patterns in your energy, they create belief systems to protect you, and those beliefs create behaviors.

They are like a rock lodged in the middle of a stream. As the stream flows, pressure builds on them, this can often move them, but some things are lodged in such a way that as energy flows they get lodged deeper. This is when we need additional support. Not because someone else can heal you but because another’s energy can help get you past your own and to dislodge something so that you dont always have to flow around it.

We can function and adapt pretty well to blocks, resistance points within us, but eventually if we want more flow in one area or another we will need to move past it. Let those old stones find a place to go where they don’t block us but serve us.

They need to move down stream.

We need to move downstream.

And I have created a way, that I can support you better in this, that we can support each other.

Ignite: A Virtual Ceremony for Attuning to a Higher Frequency and Community Expansion Healing

When: March 3rd, 2024 10 am CST

What: 90 minute channeling and group enhanced healing

Where: zoom

How much: $35

We all bring a unique signature energy to this group, so tell your friends and pass the word around. Whether its a big group or small group, however, energy is never limited and if your committed to receiving and giving healing, you will walk away with more ease, and leave behind a stuck stone of your past.

Its time to make healing and manifesting easier. That’s what healing is, it’s manifesting more wellness, allowing a new frequency to dominate where an old one once existed. Manifesting lets in more receiving of good and less resisting of it, by holding on to the past.

To join, head over to my website and click events and purchase your ticket there. Or directly at the link below.

Looking forward to seeing you!


I was holding back


Getting Light