Getting Light

I have felt some major shifts recently, and one of those is feeling so much lighter emotionally. And in that there is a freedom and a sense of possibility to really create my life in a way I never have before.

If you know me, or worked with me for a while, you know that I have been on a spiritual journey for some time. And I have had so many things shift me. I have utilized so many amazing tools. And only recently have a felt like things could move much faster.

After working with several clients who all had similar energies of heaviness and stuckness, in the last few weeks, I really started to think how can someone who has a hard to time really feeling possibility make deep change. How do we feel more free and joyful after years of trying to do so and not really making the changes we wish to see.

In all truth, this has been me. I have done so much mindset work, so much spiritual connection, so much meditation over the last few years and it all helped, greatly, but I still often felt so easily knocked out of alignment. It was so easy to not feel great.

But recently something shifted. And in a way it feels like a bit of a formula for change and deeper alignment.

I have known for sometime, that I needed to get in the emotion of my future self to really become her and to manifest the life I desire.

I have been working at this for years. But sometimes I would hear someone say they started to do that and in a few months, they felt amazing most of the time! What!!! I have been working like its my fully time job for years.

This made me wonder. Why?

And my conclusion is, some of us are more empathic and our nervous systems are more sensitive, so its harder to hold our own alignment. But then I thought, well that can’t be the end of the story, there has to be a way. I do not accept the limitation.

And there is. I needed to use that empathy to connect to higher frequency, through others and I needed to release old emotions trapped in the body. Well manifested in the body but still in my energy.

But how did I do this? I allowed for someone else to help me! I had an experienced friend, start to send me energy, to send me a higher frequency and let my energy open to it.

When this happened things started to surface, I didnt really believe I could change things. I believed I could heal anxiety and panic, because I already had, but my allergies, hormonal imbalances, my patterns with money. Could I really change that.

I believed that it was possible but deep down not for me. But when this came to the surface, I felt it and then I kept coming back to opening to what was beyond this. But as this was happening, I could feel tension in the body building and releasing.

I now feel so much more ease. I feel confident I can change things and have noticed physical shifts in myself already.

I have spent so long doing the solitary work, and its essential, but also essential is allowing in the power of others and the collective to help. This got things unstuck.

So I would love to create something that would help us all to do this at a much lower cost than individual, sessions. Can’t we all harness the spiritual connections of others and each of us connect deeper and release the blocks and resistances that we have?

YES we can.

So I am going to create an online meet up. It will be a low cost experience. I will share a channeled message for all to open us up and hear the insight and inspiration that primes our hearts and mind and then I will guide the group, also channeled, into an expanded state with breathwork and meditation, but our intention will be to connect with all the energy of everyone, and share the power. As we do this it will allow anyone who’s ready to expand in to deeper love and connection and for old blocks to start to dissolve. And for our energetic bodies to start to make changes.

I havent set the details yet but I wanted to let you know first. If you would be interested let me know and I will make sure you receive the invite when its ready. This will not be a group of limited spots. And it may be small or big based on what spirit has in store, but know this, there is a way for you to let go of the past that stops you from feeling the fullness of who you are.

There is a way to really heal, and to gain momentum for the life you want. And the time for that is now.

Let me know if you want to join by replying or messaging me however you normally do.


Healing as a Community


Energy of the New Year