Energy of the New Year

Im not a big “New Years “person, an introvert and an empath, I’m pretty celebrated out, but I do love a chance to get clear on intentions again.

I once read that the ancient Celtic people celebrated the new year around Samhein or Halloween, as it marked the end of harvest, the season of death and the dropping of seeds from dead fruits to the ground. I like this idea. Dropping the seeds of intentions in to the earth as we release the old, but leaving them in winter to sink in.

Others believe the new year should really be with the astrological season so in March with the beginning of Aries, when Spring starts to renew our energy and the days are longer than the nights. This makes sense to me too.

But in truth, it really doesnt matter. And for my whole lifetime in my culture (which many cultures have different new years) this has been the time to set new intentions. I don’t believe winter is the best season to expect a lot of life changes from ourselves and to do more but I do believe it is a great time to reflect and get clear.

Many people have been reading the astrology for the year, pulling cards for their personal experience of 2024 and a whole host of predictions. We seem to dance between making strong intentions and tuning in to what is already in energetic motion. As a spiritual energy reader, Id say that much of what will transpire in a year, is a already in motion and our intentions are actually influenced by the work we have been doing for years. These seeds have dropped long ago, so your intention for the year should really be more of nurturing what is showing up rather then trying to force something new. So set an intention that feels alive for you rather then one you think you need.

Adding to all of the predictions, here is the energy I’m feeling for the year. Remembering each one of us will have a unique experience, but often there is a certain current affecting all of us. I am not an astrologer so this is collective reading done just like I would do a personal reading. I ask my spiritual team for insight and I feel in to what has life… what has energy to it.

2024 is a year of finally receiving things you thought you might experience years ago. The last four years have been some of the most dynamic years, collectively, in many of our lifetimes, ones of halting, rapid transformation, grief, shadow, uncertainty, as well as relief, humble joys, a deep sense of what really matters.

We went in to 2020 with such high hopes and it feels like many of the things we expected to see then, or in the last few years, are finally going to surface. If things had been different in that year (no pandemic) and our manifestations had come then, it would have been so fun and exciting, it would have felt like rapid manifestation. But it didn’t. At least some things didn’t. Many things have manifested in the last several years for sure, but for many it didn’t feel like what they believed it would.

So as we walk in to 2024 slowly and joyfully things will finally begin to flourish. But it wont feel so wildy exciting, it will feel rooted and steady. We are all a bit humbled and perhaps timid or even jaded by thinking “this is my year”. But this is your year to sustainably receive the new. We have collectively dove in to our depths, seeing so many things we never wanted to see but for it we are stronger.

Last year was so much about the vision of our dreams returning to sight. Getting a taste of what is possible and even getting some foundations down. This year is about the walls going up. The conditions for things to show up in the material world that have long been underground are perfect. Now of course we all have personally responsibility, and our own journeys but we are affected by the collective energy. We can always transcend but that takes a level of mastery that is hard to maintain, it is often easier to surrender to the spiritual flow, then to try to be completely beyond it or to resist it.

Things will flow in to your life that will start building the new chapters to come for the next several years. And instead of it feeling like some crazy wild miracle, it will feel like “oh there that is, makes sense.” It is all still miraculous but in a subtle way. When you step back at the end of next year, however, you will feel in awe of how much beauty transpired. How much actually manifested will delight you. But what would have ignited a big thrill four years ago and “I can’t believe how amazing this is!!!” energy, will now be something you really can believe and maintain.

It may not feel like a year of huge leaps but it is a year of leaping forward even if you don’t quite know it until you take an assesment of all that transpired. You have been laying the ground work for several years and its time to receive that.

Of course this may not be true for everyone, depending on your own journey, and there will definitely be moments we question it all especially early in the year, but tune in and see if your soul feels aligned to this, if this feels like what your feeling too.

I hope you have an amazing start to the calendar year and if you want to know more of your own personal journey this year, its a great time for a reading!

Head over to the website to book or email me and ask me about it!


Getting Light


Don’t Doubt the Magic