Don’t Doubt the Magic

Magic was the word given to me by my tutor at my most recent training at the Arthur Findlay College for Spiritualism. Since I last wrote, much has happened. I attended another short Dr. Joe Dizpenza meditation retreat, celebrated my birthday, traveled though out France for several weeks and then attended a mediumship and intuitive development course in the UK.

As I write this, I am less shocked that I have been so tired upon returning. Sometimes its hard to take in how much you have done in a short amount of time.

There were so many things I could share but what most came to me was the title of this entry… “Don’t doubt the magic”. This was told to me years ago by a former mentor and magical woman herself, about one of her teacher’s wisdom’s handed to her from another mentor…I know confusing but just know, it was a command passed down from mentor to mentor to me.

The full quote was “Don’t doubt the magic, Rosita, it weakens it.”.

At the end of my training in which I practiced getting clearer and stronger connection with contacts in the spiritual world and deeper understandings of what is in someones energy field, we were tasked with choosing someone to give a word to, and my instructor chose me and gave me Magic. So that I would never forget to always look for it.

I suppose this word, has always been with me. As a young person, I came in with a sense of awe, one that diminished in my mundane reality. And when the magic hid, I went searching. I had so little tolerance for a sparkless life. My soul struggles to understand a world of merely materialistic outcomes and intentions.

I look for the numinous but I also can easily get caught in the material side of things too. There is nothing wrong with this but when I forget that magic is in the everyday, available to me in any moment and it is I who is hiding from it, I feel so incredibly stuck.

In my journey of developing my gifts and having the courage to share them it has taken such a massive leap of faith. Much of my life choices have taken massive leaps of faith and I can say I have always had much doubt but not enough to stop me.

Although I dont believe magic can ever be weakened because it is not the stuff of conjourings or forcing outcomes or even of sacrifice and trade. The magic I believe in comes from the loving source of God, or the Universe to some. And it is purely loving, of service and a delightful experience of comfort. True magic has an energy that sustains itself.

However, the weakening does occur in my experience of it. In my doubt, I often withhold the fullness of what is available to me. And it feels so off because of the pressure it creates. The magic is moving towards me with a great zeal and I in my own doubts hold up a shield to it as though it is an invader. This is why doubt and frustration feel so intense to those of us who know otherwise we have called in so much and let it in at such a fast pace, only to hold up our armour to a force greater then our own as it draws nearer. I don’t worry though as eventually the body, the ego, the conditioned ways of belief give way, often through exhaustion or temporary illness and goodness comes rushing in.

I have such a direct experience of this when I do a reading, when I feel trusting and certain that spirit will provide what is needed for my client then the reading is so clear and impactful. When I doubt myself or what may come, it is murky and jumbled. A lesson I learn less and less as I have learned to trust deeply in this arena.

The magic is there, its only my ability to open to it in any given moment that is different.

I share this to remind you, whatever your creating or desiring in your life, is there in some form or another. But it is easiest to find it when you are seeking the magic in the everyday. When you are looking for awe and gratitude. It reveals itself when you seek the numinous moments even in the mundane.

You do this by being aware. Be aware of the perfect song that comes on out of nowhere, someone bringing you the thing you needed without saying anything, the stunning colors of the sunset, the pure possibility of a new day. Magic comes when you know it’s there and take the time to name it.

So let it in. My hope for you is that you find time to remember that you came to experience magic on earth, spirit reaching through the human lens and dazzling us. You did not come to ensure your physical safety or security at all times despite what your ego tells you. You are here to be in love with existence, even in it’s muddy hard times. To always find your way back to the personal strand of magic that lights your soul up.

In love and magic,



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