Changing Colors

Confession, I love to decorate. Since I was a girl, I would ask to paint my bedroom, buy antiques, pick out decor. I have been a renter most of my adult life and a large majority of those places, I painted (without landlord permission of course, forgiveness not permission they say). I love helping friends decorate, pick out new paint colors, move the furniture around etc.

From a spiritual perspective, this could seem like vanity, but I don’t believe that it truly is. If I did it to impress others at the expense of my own joy it, would be (in)vain. But to me expressing beauty and personality in a room is an art and in its own energetic transformation.

I have read some books on Feng Shui recently and while I have respect for the traditions, most didn’t relate to me. But what I do deeply relate to is the idea of the home influencing energy. I also very much believe our energy influences our surroundings, looking at someones home could give a better reading than a tarot spread.

This past weekend, I repainted my living room. I have only lived in this house just shy of two years and this is its second painting. I have no idea how long I plan to stay so I hesitated to do it, but there is a deep metaphor in painting a room. The walls don’t change, but the color does. And that some how changes everything.

I found I didn’t want to spend time in this room because it just didn’t feel right. But when I was painting and all the furniture was pulled away from the walls, and moved around, I also envisioned a new layout for the furniture. One I hesitated to do because it wasn’t the most obvious. But now that it is all complete, I want to spend time in the room. I love being in there. And I love the new way I experience it because of the layout.

Paint is like perspective. It may not change the fundamental elements of what you view but it can entirely change your experience of it. Additionally, in the process of changing your perspective, you may actually discover an entirely new way of being.

My line of work is truly all about change. Not so we can be what someone else wants of us, but so we can express more of our own authentic colors. You see, I believe there is a deep spiritual color pallette within us, that wants to be expressed, but some of our programming and difficult experiences in life, limit these evolving expressions. I also believe, expression changes over time. Our passions, our inspiration, our practices, our personality, is evolving and like most places I lived, will change colors when the time is right.

As we do our inner work, and let go of our resistance to ourselves we may see pathways in life we never thought were there. Because when you change the lens you view life with, you change your life entirely. My now blue room, is not the same place. Because, while the physical location of it is constant, my experience of it is different and all of life is how you personally experience it.

Now, this isn’t just slapping some positive words over what you really view, thats like one coat of paint, it looks sloppy and you can see through to old. A change in perspective is about a fundamental shift in your understanding of your life, something that makes you feel a deeper truth and walk a little differently in life. A true perspective shift changes you, even if just a few shades off the same hue.

So where do you feel a perspective shift is needed?

Here is a place to start. Look at the thing that keeps nagging you in your mind. The narrative that may feel true but is not very comfortable or enjoyable to live with and ask yourself; is this the only way to view this? Are there other people out there who would have a different experience of this? Can I?

Also, after talking with a friend who has encouraged me to create an offering around homes, I am in the works of creating something. I want to do readings of people and their homes. This is a combination of a reading for you and what your wanting to create and the energy of the home. This would also come with suggestions for change in the home space. It’s in the process of forming, so if you want to be a guinea pig, let me know. (This means a free assessment). This will not be a full reading in all areas but specifically around what your wanting to shift in to energetically in the home. This is for both local and non local people. As I am exploring, I am willing to see what all might unfold.

Let me know if your interested! And of course all my other sessions are still available! Lets create beautiful change together.

In shades of blue,



Mundane Miracles

