How to Rid Your Self of Toxicity

“That’s Toxic” … “Toxic overload” … “Rid yourself of Toxins” … “They are soooo toxic” 

I am sure you have all heard many of these phrases used in the last several years. In fact, either through the internet, or conversations I feel I might hear them everyday.

It has become so prevalent that the once noble quest of “cleaning” up our lives has become almost debilitating.

I have been down this path. I have cleansed, gone organic, moved to a farm to grow everything, made all my own beauty products, cleaning products, bread, broth. I did so many things! 

And do you want to know what the most impactful thing that happened was? That I didn’t feel that much better.

That’s right! I didn’t feel that much better, maybe in truth, I felt worse. It was overwhelming and never ending. The list of what was bad in the world became so overwhelming I felt worse.

So you want to know how to clear toxicity from your life?!  

Delete the word from your vocabulary.

That’s right. Delete it. With the exception of drinking bleach, or things that will immediately kill you if consumed. Please delete it. If just for a while.

I will unpack this a bit for you. It is my understanding that all things living or not are made of energy, and that includes us.  In our dualistic perspective we decide how we perceive our experience of energy, whether it’s good or bad, toxic or pure etc.

But both exist simultaneously. Everything has its high frequency and its low frequency. Or to go a little deeper, it is my belief that everything is an emanation of the divine in some form but we either allow the divine frequency of it to come in or we block it, creating a negative or unwanted experience in doing so. But the truth of it is in the divine and the illusion is in the negative.  

What if what we identify as toxic is just not allowing the goodness in? Every time we label something as toxic we close ourselves off to the divine energy present in a moment or experience.

Does this mean everything resonates with us or is moving us toward our path of wellness and wholeness?


We have unique individual expressions of what we want to experience and many things in the world aren’t a part of ours.

But when we stop attuning and obsessing about toxic and unhealthy, we will line up with the things that match the other side of that. Healthy, pure, and aligned.

 More importantly, it is very unhealthy to go about life with the label toxic. It causes us to fear the world, coming at it from a very vulnerable place. A place that feels like so many things are trying to poison us and that many people at the essence of their being are toxic to us.

This is not only false but incredibly harmful to you and them. Energy and life have sentience everywhere you look. Each molecule wants to serve its own purpose, be itself without interference.

 As we look out into the world of things being toxic, we choose to deny the thing we behold the individual right to exist as good and beneficial in their own unique way.

 For example; It is my belief that drinking bleach is a very bad choice, although some spiritual masters and religious holy men in trance have proven it as possible (don’t recommend by the way) I do see how a woman in a part of the world where it is not easy to environmentally friendly cleaning options and doesn’t have the money to buy her child a new white shirt they just stained before going to a special event, uses bleach to clean it out and feels the pride of presenting her children the best she can. I see the beauty and magic in that. The absolute sentience of divinity in that.

 This concept is even more important when it comes to people. Calling someone toxic is denying the essence of their soul, their own inner goodness. Even if it is hidden by pain and suffering. It’s not your job to enjoy everyone, or even have a positive experience of everyone but there is no need to view your experience and label their being as toxic.

 You don’t have to interact with things that don’t light you up, or resonate with your world view but when you choose to see them as toxic you deny and thus block your likelihood of ever experiencing their goodness.

 But on a personal level, how you see the world is how you see yourself. And if you look out at the world and label things as unpure and toxic, you will inevitably find all those things in yourself.

 Your self-worth will plummet because if things can be so easily bad, you must also. And this is just not true.

 Do we all have things that we do out of fear and control that don’t feel as loving or beautiful?

 Yes! But does that make our essence, or our soul any less pure or beautiful?


 So free yourself from toxicity and delete the label.

Simply notice what you desire and go towards it. Let things exist without your judgement but you have discernment and choice so choose things that feel right and create the world you want.

You are so powerful and resilient that you can create a beautiful experience of things that aren’t always your highest ideal. As long as it feels right for you in your body and heart.  

And when you see something that seems very unhealthy like environmental tragedies, threats to our health, etc. hold compassion, see a vision for healing, know that there are always ways to change and transform form any limiting experience in to one of divine expression.

If you want to learn more and want a meditation to transform something you have been feeling was toxic but don’t want to anymore check out the youtube link!

Or follow me on Instagram to see my live about the ways this shows up spiritual practice!  


Finding Your Path


The Thing That Healed Me the Most