As Within So Without

August has been an interesting month for me. I got sick twice, life seemed to slow to a halt, my car died and well it was, worst of all, very hot. And in the most human of ways, I gave in to this energy for a bit.

You see, I know this energy stuff but even I can get lost in the haze of worry if I dont keep cultivating it.

I awoke from my stupor in a reflection that came from looking at someone else. I observed someone still caught in a pattern and expecting for life to suddenly be different. And I thought to myself, “they have not changed enough internally for something to be dramatically different externally”.

This was the words I really needed to hear about my own life. And maybe they will bring some clarity to you too.

On some level, I know this truth but it never really hit me this way before, a dramatic shift on the external world: money, housing, relationship etc. that is different from the way things have been trending in life for some time only occurs when something is very different within us.

Change of course is inevitable but for something to be created that feels so rapidly different from what life has regularly brought you, will require you to regularly feel and operate very differently.

The areas of my life that I feel have truly changed for the better are the ones in which I look back and say wow I was a different person then. This of course happens over time internally but can be cultivated to have more swift change.

The version of you that has the things you don’t currently have, is a different person than who you are now.

Of course its all you, but the way you think and feel on a regular basis would match that of the version of you who has a different life. This may seem impossible but its not. There is a way in which you think, feel and believe about life that is not yet really allowing or matching the energy of the things you dont yet have.

And by things, I don’t mean items, it can be wellness, healed family dynamics, whatever you yearn for.

There is nothing wrong with not having them, we get to let things unfold but if you feel that you are stuck on a loop and hitting the same dead end over and over, its time to change from within. Because this is not about going out and making it happen and trying to force life to bend to your will, it is about receiving the energy of the version of you, you want to be. Allowing it in.

I personally kept seeing the same patterns in relationships over and over until I shifted who I was with in me. The same with money and work flow. With getting sick and feeling like a took a step back this month and all the talk about inflation, my own money energy started to return to its programmed state. This is easy to do and is most often a reflection around your upbringing, the narratives around those topics as well as any defining experiences in this arena.

How do you shift it?

One of the tools I use is something that just came to me. Affirmations didnt really work for me that well but when I would be in deep meditative states I would start to generate a healthy dialogue to myself, around the areas I was changing. So, this would be like you were on the receiving end of hearing what you most wanted to hear around any areas you are trying to change. This would be a counter to the limiting narratives you heard as a child.

So many of our beliefs are based around what we heard people say to us, or around us about any area. If you saw your mother worry about money and heard her talk about it, that narrative can exist within you. If an early partner didnt respect you there are words and feeling associated with that.

Now you dont need to go back to those moments, you just give yourself the healed and whole version now. I do not talk out loud as this is in a meditative state, but the most important thing is to begin to feel it. Begin to feel the frequency and energy around this.

What we most want from anything is how it makes us feel, so if you start to give yourself the feeling of having it, you will already be receiving it. But often the feeling of having money or a partner doesnt work because we are looking for something more specific like, perhaps, being cherished in your relationship, or being able to work and make money with joy. I find by going in and tuning in to the narrative that would have made it easier for me to be the person who embodies those traits helps immensly.

Now the final step in this, is bringing this version of you with you in your waking world. Thinking and feeling that narrative through out the day. You wont always have your mind on the same subject so a tip is to also set your mind to look for the most positive and beautiful things around you. Just generally looking for the better feeling perspective will help you to cultivate the new version of you.

I know this may seem like a lot. What I love about my work is helping people to see where their programs are limiting them and helping the to step in to the new version of themselves. And once you feel it and see it for the first time, its much easier to cultivate it. So if you need help, book a session. Its much more than a reading, its a transmission and gives tips on how to cultivate this energy further.

As I sit with this, I am feeling maybe a course or group coaching around this might also be helpful. Would anyone be interested in that? Let me know.

I am hoping all of you can step deeper in to the life your soul yearns for.

In that hope,



What I Love Most


A Return to Life